

Explore the world and immerse yourself in the places that inspire you with the University of Denver's programs in literatures, languages and cultures.

With a degree from our department, 你将不仅具备跨越国界和边界的能力,还将开启令人兴奋的职业生涯. 同时提高你的语言能力, 你也有机会到国外学习, 发现塑造文化的社会和历史力量, 或者将你的学位与另一个领域的双学位或辅修学位配对. 我们课程的毕业生已经在国际商业和发展中担任角色, foreign policy, 非营利组织管理和国际关系, among many other fields.

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Arabic (Courses Only)


About this Program

虽然没有专业或辅修课程,语言文学系 & 文化确实提供阿拉伯语高级课程. 

不像美国传统的阿拉伯语课程, students begin with spoken Arabic and gradually integrate Modern Standard Arabic through graded reading selections. 通过在有意义的语境中使用语言, 重点放在真正的交流和发展语言的熟练程度. 学习语法是因为它服务于交流.

学习阿拉伯语可以满足ca88登录正确网址大多数本科生的外语要求. 阿拉伯学生通常从事新闻业等领域的职业, business, translation, foreign service, finance, education and more.

Contact Maha Foster to learn more.




About this Program

在探索充满活力和多样性的文化的同时,深入研究世界上最常用的语言. 我们的中文课程旨在让我们的学生为参与全球世界做好准备, 具备中文能力及文化知识. 我们的学生将把他们的语言和文化能力应用于各种各样的专业和职业, most notably, international studies and business. 他们将培养解决问题的能力,以应对未来的全球挑战.

We offer study abroad opportunities in multiple locations in China to students who have completed two years of language study. Among them, the language immersion program at China Studies Institute hosted in Beijing University is one of our star programs.

我们的教师和学生合作的机会,促进学术探究, 培养批判性和创造性思维, and generate knowledge.


Chinese Concentration

BA, Minor

About this Program

在探索充满活力和多样性的文化的同时,深入研究世界上最常用的语言. 我们的中文课程旨在让我们的学生为参与全球世界做好准备, 具备中文能力及文化知识. 我们的学生将把他们的语言和文化能力应用于各种各样的专业和职业, most notably, international studies and business. 他们将培养解决问题的能力,以应对未来的全球挑战.

We offer study abroad opportunities in multiple locations in China to students who have completed two years of language study. Among them, the language immersion program at China Studies Institute hosted in Beijing University is one of our star programs.

我们的教师和学生合作的机会,促进学术探究, 培养批判性和创造性思维, and generate knowledge.


French & Francophone Studies Concentration

BA, Minor

About this Program

我们专注于法语和法语研究,磨练你的口语, 阅读和翻译技能,同时加深你对法国和法语国家的批判性理解.

通过学习文学,你将获得身临其境的语言体验, 文化和电影,并参与讨论和分析与教师和同学在小, interactive classes. Take these studies a step further by completing a senior thesis in French and earning distinction in the language major. 在此过程中,你还可以获得杜里大学世界语言和文化中心的支持和项目.

Outside the classroom, you can join the DU Francoscope Club, 寻找实习机会或到法国等地留学, Senegal, Madagascar, Quebec, Belgium, Switzerland and Morocco.

我们的毕业生将成为艺术家、计算机程序员、翻译、非政府组织负责人和律师. 而讲法语的加拿大是美国最重要的出口市场, 讲法语的人有机会在国际贸易和商业中脱颖而出.


French and Francophone Studies

BA, Minor

About this Program

我们的法语和法语国家研究学士学位磨练你的口语, 阅读和翻译技能,同时加深你对法国和法语国家的批判性理解.

通过学习文学,你将获得身临其境的语言体验, 文化和电影,通过与老师和同学进行讨论和分析. 通过完成法语的高级论文并在专业中获得卓越的成绩,进一步学习这些研究.

Outside the classroom, you can join the DU Francoscope Club, 寻找实习机会或到法国等地留学, Senegal, Madagascar, Quebec, Belgium, Switzerland and Morocco.

我们的毕业生将成为艺术家、计算机程序员、翻译、非政府组织负责人和律师. 而讲法语的加拿大是美国最重要的出口市场, 讲法语的人有机会在国际贸易和商业中脱颖而出.



BA, Minor

About this Program

Studying the language, cultures and histories of German speaking countries offers students opportunities to develop effective communication skills as well as intercultural competencies that will further their role as responsible global citizens. The German program complements language study with courses in German literature and film as well as contextual study of political and cultural histories.

Students collaborate closely with experienced faculty and take advantage of our many excellent study abroad programs to achieve their professional goals. With a degree in German, 学生可以获得广泛的职业机会,如国际商务, non-profits, the sciences and government.


German Concentration

BA, Minor

About this Program

Studying the language, cultures and histories of German-speaking countries offers students opportunities to develop effective communication skills as well as intercultural competencies that will further their role as responsible global citizens. The German program complements language study with courses in German literature and film as well as contextual study of political and cultural histories.

学生通过小型课程与经验丰富的教师密切合作, interactive classes and take advantage of our many excellent study abroad programs to achieve their professional goals. 有多种方法可以将课程作业与重要的课外体验联系起来, including service learning, 实习及课外活动. With a major in language, 文学,文化和德语集中, 学生可以获得广泛的职业机会,如国际商务, non-profits, the sciences and government.


Greek (Courses Only)


About this Program

虽然没有专业或辅修课程,语言文学系 & 文化确实提供希腊语高级课程. 

希腊文的学习只提供辅导, 但也能满足杜克大学大多数本科生的外语要求. 许多学习拉丁语的学生选择将拉丁语与希腊语结合起来, 某些希腊课程可以在拉丁小语种获得学分.  我们鼓励你“热爱语言”——无论是拉丁语、希腊语,还是英语. Broaden your perspective as you read ancient texts that still speak to our human condition in the best and worst of times.

For more information, contact Victor Castellani.




About this Program

现代希伯来语是以色列的官方语言, one of the world’s fastest growing high-tech global economies and a country of constant importance on the world stage. 在DU学习希伯来语可以让学生了解以色列的种族多样性和多元文化. Incorporating music, poetry, short stories, media and movies, the Hebrew Minor introduces students to Hebrew at various levels of the languages while enriching their exploration of Israel’s pluralist mosaic. 辅修课程对研究中东及其政治尤为宝贵, economics, technology, journalism, religion, peace, 移民和国际研究以及其他研究领域.

ca88登录正确网址的希伯来语课程强调语言教学的熟练方法. In small class settings, 个人的注意力放在学生的语言能力上, learning style, 动机的来源和其他个人因素. 学习经历既创新又丰富, 教学方法从传统的到新颖的教学方法.

犹太研究中心与我们合作,提供以希伯来语为重点的犹太研究辅修课程. Learn more about this option on the Judaic Studies minor program page.


Hebrew Concentration


About this Program

现代希伯来语是以色列的官方语言, one of the world’s fastest growing high-tech global economies and a country of constant importance on the world stage. 在DU学习希伯来语可以让学生了解以色列的种族多样性和多元文化. Incorporating music, poetry, short stories, media and movies, the Hebrew concentration introduces students to Hebrew at various levels of the languages while enriching their exploration of Israel’s pluralist mosaic. 这种集中对研究中东及其政治尤为宝贵, economics, technology, journalism, religion, peace, 移民和国际研究以及其他研究领域.

ca88登录正确网址的希伯来语课程强调语言教学的熟练方法. In small class settings, 个人的注意力放在学生的语言能力上, learning style, 动机的来源和其他个人因素. 学习经历既创新又丰富, 教学方法从传统的到新颖的教学方法.

学生也有机会将课堂作业与重要的课外体验联系起来, including service learning, internships, 课外活动和在以色列留学.

犹太研究中心与我们合作,提供以希伯来语为重点的犹太研究辅修课程. Learn more about this option on the Judaic Studies minor program page.



BA, Minor

About this Program

ca88登录正确网址学习意大利语将培养你掌握一种以上语言和文化的能力, an asset as a global citizen. In the Italian major, you’ll study the Italian language and its manifestations in history as well as cultural studies from the past to the present. 我们的教师与学生密切合作,建立对语言和文化之间关系的理解.

Any language study requires immersion, 我们还提供各种出国留学选择,以支持学生的各种兴趣. You can study language in Perugia, 了解米兰和都灵的商业情况, 或在佛罗伦萨加深对意大利艺术的了解. You’ll finish the Italian degree with the necessary linguistic and cultural background to pursue prestigious fellowships or attend graduate school in Italian Studies. 您还将获得在商业世界中实现职业目标的经验基础, international relations and education.


Italian Concentration

BA, Minor

About this Program

ca88登录正确网址学习意大利语将培养你掌握一种以上语言和文化的能力, an asset as a global citizen. In the Italian concentration, you’ll study the Italian language and its manifestations in history as well as cultural studies from the past to the present. 我们的教师与学生密切合作,建立对语言和文化之间关系的理解 through small, 互动课程和独立学习计划.

Any language study requires immersion, 我们还提供各种出国留学选择,以支持学生的各种兴趣. You can study language in Perugia, 了解米兰和都灵的商业情况, 或在佛罗伦萨加深对意大利艺术的了解. 有多种方法可以将你的学习与重要的课外经历联系起来, such as visiting performers, films, 在校园里实习和参加课外活动. You’ll finish the Italian degree with the necessary linguistic and cultural background to pursue prestigious fellowships or attend graduate school in Italian Studies. 您还将获得在商业世界中实现职业目标的经验基础, international relations and education.




About this Program

The Japanese program at DU prepares students to become informed international citizens who develop effective Japanese language and cultural communication expertise. 我们的学生应用他们的日语语言, 具有广泛专业的文学和文化能力, careers and future global challenges. At the same time, 他们加深了对人类经历多样性的同情和好奇心. 我们的教师和学生合作的机会,促进学术探究, 培养批判性和创造性思维, 并努力改善我们的地方和全球社区.

ca88登录正确网址校园内的日语俱乐部和活动为进一步学习日语提供了有趣的方式, literature and culture. With study abroad opportunities in desirably located premium universities in Japan 你可以磨练你的语言和文化能力,同时沉浸在当代日本的生活中.

Alumni of the program have participated in the Japanese Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program and have won the prestigious Boren Scholarship for Japanese and the competitive Critical Language Scholarship for Japanese, among other awards.


Japanese Concentration

BA, Minor

About this Program

The Japanese concentration at DU prepares students to become informed international citizens who develop effective Japanese language and cultural communication expertise. 我们的学生应用他们的日语语言, 具有广泛专业的文学和文化能力, careers and future global challenges. At the same time, 他们加深了对人类经历多样性的同情和好奇心. 我们的教师和学生合作的机会,促进学术探究, 培养批判性和创造性思维, 并努力改善我们的地方和全球社区.

ca88登录正确网址校园内的日语俱乐部和活动为进一步学习日语提供了有趣的方式, literature and culture. 有机会到日本理想的大学学习, 你可以磨练你的语言和文化能力,同时沉浸在当代日本的生活中.

Alumni of the program have participated in the Japanese Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program and have won the prestigious Boren Scholarship for Japanese and the competitive Critical Language Scholarship for Japanese, among other awards.


Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

BA, Minor

About this Program

用语言、文学和文化的学位扩展你的世界经验. Our small, interactive classes and faculty experts integrate language learning with in-depth inquiry into multicultural understanding. Across our programs, 您将培养沟通和解决问题的能力,以应对当今的全球挑战. 语言和文化知识可以应用于广泛的专业和职业, 同时提供了沉浸式理解全球人类经历的机会.

主修语言的学生, 文学和文化可以选择中文专业, French & 法语研究,德语,意大利语,日语或俄语. 除了这六种语言,未成年人还可以学习希伯来语和拉丁语.




About this Program

The study of Latin is a proven way to deepen your appreciation of human culture while gaining insight into how the many modern languages descended from Latin or strongly influenced by it developed. It also helps you to refine your understanding of how English conveys spirit and meaning and to better employ English's unique powers. 建立在由世界语言和文化中心教授的初级拉丁语序列之上, 这门辅修课程探讨了很久以前创作的原始文本,这些文本在21世纪仍然影响着西方的思想.

As your study advances you will gain insight into ancient Mediterranean culture and society and the contributions of ancient writers in Latin to literature and philosophy, religion and law. 这些贡献对我们的现代世界——我们的思想——产生了持久的影响, the words we use, the ideals to which we aspire.

学生们经常将拉丁文辅修与英语专业配对, history, philosophy in the humanities, 或者政治科学或其他社会科学.

Courses taught in English with the GREK* code offer general education and elective credit for students curious or excited about mythology, drama happy or sad, 或者(向迪士尼工作室致敬)真正的英雄主义.



Latin Concentration


About this Program

The study of Latin is a proven way to deepen your appreciation of human culture while gaining insight into how the many modern languages descended from Latin or strongly influenced by it developed. It also helps you to refine your understanding of how English conveys spirit and meaning and to better employ English's unique powers. 建立在由世界语言和文化中心教授的初级拉丁语序列之上, 该中心探索了很久以前创作的原始文本,这些文本在21世纪仍然影响着西方的思想.

As your study advances, you will gain insight into ancient Mediterranean culture and society and the contributions of ancient writers in Latin to literature and philosophy, religion and law. 这些贡献对我们的现代世界——我们的思想——产生了持久的影响, the words we use, the ideals to which we aspire.

学生们经常把主修拉丁语和主修英语结合起来, history, philosophy in the humanities, 或者政治科学或其他社会科学.

Courses taught in English with the GREK* code offer general education and elective credit for students curious or excited about mythology, drama happy or sad, 或者(向迪士尼工作室致敬)真正的英雄主义.




BA, Minor

About this Program

With a BA in Russian, 你将磨练书面和口头沟通技巧, 以及对俄罗斯文化的深入了解, history, art, literature and politics.

We work to actively support dual-degree seekers who want to pair their knowledge of Russian with majors like international studies, 国际商务和跨文化交际. You can even build your study of Russian culture into an honors thesis project that will allow you to graduate with distinction in the major.

杜拥有俄罗斯文学最广泛的大学收藏之一, 你还可以通过DU的俄语俱乐部和Dobro Slovo进一步扩展你的俄语知识, the National Slavic Honor Society.

Away from campus, immersive study abroad opportunities give you real-world experience in a country that wields enormous influence over global affairs. 因为俄罗斯是一个政治和经济上的超级大国, 对语言和文化的全面了解意味着你在国内和国外都有职业选择.


Russian Concentration

BA, Minor

About this Program

With a concentration in Russian, 你将磨练书面和口头沟通技巧, 以及对俄罗斯文化的深入了解, history, art, literature and politics.

We work to actively support dual-degree seekers who want to pair their knowledge of Russian with majors like international studies, 国际商务和跨文化交际. You can even build your study of Russian culture into an honors thesis project that will allow you to graduate with distinction in the major.

杜拥有俄罗斯文学最广泛的大学收藏之一, 你还可以通过杜里大学的俄语俱乐部进一步扩展你的俄语知识 Dobro Slovo, the National Slavic Honor Society. 

Away from campus, immersive study abroad opportunities give you real-world experience in a country that wields enormous influence over global affairs. 因为俄罗斯是一个政治和经济上的超级大国, 对语言和文化的全面了解意味着你在国内和国外都有职业选择.



BA, Minor

About this Program

西班牙语专业和辅修专业现设于西班牙语系, Literary and Cultural Studies (SLLCS).